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Working on handstands has taught me more than just how to be upside down. It’s shown me:

🌺 Practice really does make perfect. You have to try, fall, try and fall again. 

🌺There is more falling than floating most days. That’s okay. Learn how to land gracefully. 

🌺Some days are better than others. A shitty day doesn’t mean you have an excuse for a day off. The days I try to psyche myself out of practicing are usually the days I surprise myself with the most progress. 

🌺 If you wanna be good, you have to suck first. It took me a few months to actually be able to hold for a few seconds, but I didn’t let my ego get in the way of me trying. 


So, you wanna practice but you must be wondering: how can you fall without hurting yourself??? 

A soft landing surface is essential, I prefer sand but yoga mats work too. When I first started I even used blankets/pillows cuz I was really scared of falling 😬 


If you’re super flexible like me and have the capability to backbend, it’s easiest to warm up your spine so your can just flip over into the bb. If you don’t trust yourself to flip over, wait to try this without a wall or a spotter until you have enough muscle control to round off. This means falling to the side instead of letting yourself flip over. 


I highly recommend increasing your upper body + ab strength via weight lifting and body weight exercises. Building your muscles will give your joints more stability. Added strength will also help you hold the position for longer 💪🏼 I plan to share some techniques with you soon! Stay turned ✌🏼

Sinkhole in Paradise

Sinkhole in Paradise

One Legged Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

One Legged Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)